Word document with Table Styles gallery open. The options in the gallery make it easy to format a table quickly in Word.

Style a table in Word

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

When you insert a table, Word applies a very basic Table Grid design to it. This may suit your needs some of the time. But for the most part, you’ll want to style the table. This is easily done in two key steps.

The most effective way to style a table in Word is by using a built-in table style.

Like text styles, table styles hold a range of formatting. This includes font size and paragraph spacing for text. It also includes formatting specific to tables, such as table borders and shading.

Before you style a table in Word, it’s best to select the table options you want included. The options encompass banding, adding a header or total row, etc.

Here’s the process …

Select table style options

When you insert a table, Word selects the Header Row, Banded Rows, and First Column table options by default.

It’s important to review these settings (and change them if need be) before applying a table style. Because the table options you choose will alter the design of all the styles in the Table Styles gallery.

So, for example, if you deselect a header row, none of the table styles in the gallery will include a header row. As such, this gives you a clearer picture of how a given table style will present in your document.

Note: the table options you choose for one table don’t affect any other tables. This allows you to set these options separately for each individual table.

Here’s how to set table style options:

  • Ensure the cursor is placed in the table;
  • Update the table style option selections (Table Design > Table Style Options).

As you’ll have noticed from the example in the video, the options in the gallery subsequently all display formatting for a header row and banded rows. That is, per the selections made.

Apply a table style

The next step is to apply the table style. This is the step that enables you to format a table quickly in Word.

Here’s how:

  • Ensure the cursor is still placed in the table;
  • Click the dropdown arrow beside the Table Styles gallery (Table Design > Table Styles);
  • Hover the mouse pointer over the thumbnails to determine which table style you’d like to apply;
  • Click the thumbnail for the table style you decide on.

As you can see, the table style is applied, with table options (as set in the previous step) incorporated.

Finally, it is possible to select or deselect any of the table style options after you’ve applied the table style. This will change the look of the table but won’t affect its base design.

For example, you may decide that banding makes the table look too busy. In this case, simply deselect Banded Rows (or Columns).

Design tips for styling a table in Word

The Table Styles gallery includes grouped table designs in three sections: Plain Tables, Grid Tables and List Tables.

As the name suggests, the Plain Tables options are very simple in design. So if you’re looking to add a lot more colour, these aren’t for you.

The Grid Tables and List Tables options differ in this respect. They offer a range of design features and intensity of colour.

When formatting tables in your document, be sure to use the same table style for all tables. This will make your document design cohesive, presenting a more professional feel.

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