Text showing shortcut key to go to a page – Ctrl+G and F5.

Word shortcut: go to page

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Moving about your document quickly is important, especially when it’s a long one. So the Go To keyboard shortcut in Word is an invaluable shortcut to know. You’ll generally use this Word shortcut to go to a page. But you can also use it to navigate to other parts of your document.

To access the Go To function, use the Ctrl+G or F5 shortcut keys.

This shortcut opens the Find and Replace dialogue box – the Go To function is found in the third tab of the dialogue box.

As mentioned, there are several options you can choose from to navigate around your document. The most common – page – is first on the list. Other options include:

  • Section
  • Line
  • Bookmark
  • Comment
  • Footnote
  • Endnote
  • Field
  • Table
  • Graphic
  • Equation
  • Object
  • Heading

To navigate to the required page or element:

  • Select the relevant option from the Go to what list – depending on your selection, an option box or dropdown menu will appear on the right-hand side;
  • Enter the page / element number, or select an option (as required).

Go To tab of the Find and Replace dialogue box which is opened by using the go to keyboard shortcut in Word (Ctrl+G or F5).

If you’re unsure of the exact page / element number, click the Next or Previous buttons instead. This enables you to jump to pages / elements until you find the specific spot you’re looking for.

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